
Weddings at First Christian Church

If you are planning on getting married, the church is a beautiful place to have the ceremony.  A pastor of the church shall act as an agent of God in celebration of the service.  The couple will be responsible for acquiring the marriage license from the county.


After choosing to use the church, which you have signified by making application and a deposit, a Wedding Coordinator will be required to work with you through the process.  The services of the coordinator will ensure things run smoothly during the wedding.


The coordinator has access to the campus buildings and can conduct a tour with you plus answer your questions.   As you near the date, she will work with you on the order of service, wedding etiquette, (do's and don'ts), music, and fees.   Applications are accepted in the church office.


Our Fellowship Hall is available for receptions on a space available basis.  No alcohol is permitted in any location on church property.   If your wedding is small intimate affair (under 20), we suggest using the Tudor Chapel. The chapel located in the sanctuary.  Saturday wedding requests will be honored no later  than 2:00 PM. Plan early and get the date on our calendar.