
Our Elders are elected by the congregation to promote the growth and welfare of the congregation by serving on ministry committees and providing leadership as needed. Each Elder is assigned a Care Group of congregational members with whom to maintain contact and facilitate communication. The Elders also provide spiritual oversight of the congregation as well as providing communion to ill or homebound members when requested. Elders visit the sick and provide a listening ear to those members requesting assistance. Elders give careful consideration to the policies of the congregation that will enable the Elders to fulfill our church’s mission through encouragement by example and word in evangelistic, educational and stewardship responsibilities. They provide service in multiple areas of the church both during and outside of worship. Many of our Elders serve as Worship Leader during services, reading the scriptures, and providing a thoughtful prayers of blessing for Offering and Holy Communion. The Elders of First Christian Church of Las Vegas (Disciples of Christ) serve the congregation and guests of the community of faith with open arms, a willing heart, spiritual uplifting and caring attitude.



Our Deacons are elected by the congregation to serve in many different capacities, including teachers, greeters, ushers, preparing and serving communion, assisting in the collection of the offering, looking after the church property and finances, providing tender, loving care to ill or older persons in the congregation, serving on ministry committees, participating in service and outreach projects. High School students are eligible for election as Junior Deacons.

Communion Bread Recipe  (7 Loaves)

2 cups hot water

2 Tbsp olive oil

2 Tbsp honey

1 Tbsp molasses

1 Tbsp salt

5-6 cups of wheat flour


Mix all the ingredients minus the wheat flour in a mixer 

(I use a Bosch mixer with dough hook). 

Slowly add flour until the dough wipes clean from the 

sides of the bowl. Mix for 5 - 7 minutes.


Divide recipe into six to seven equal balls. 

One at a time, take the dough ball and pat into

a 1/4 inch thick circle. Take a fork and pierce 

the dough with stripes and a cross. 

(Don't skip the piercing step or the bread will ruin.)


Bake at 400 degrees for 14 - 20 minutes.  Cool on a rack. 

Wrap well and freeze until needed.


Bread will be slightly chewy.  If you desire crispy communion bread, roll out very thin and bake longer.  The benefit of chewy bread is that it doesn't crumble and make a mess as people break off their piece.